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Stable Requirements: Building the Space to Meet Your Horses' Needs


horses in stable1. Stalls
The size of your stalls depends on the type of stalls you are making. Box or loose stalls should be a minimum 10 x 10 to 12 x 12 depending on the size of your horse and if you have the space to build something larger you should definitely consider doing so. If you are making a foaling stall it should most certainly be bigger to provide room for the mare and the foal. The best way to do this is to create partitions that can be remove to expand the size. Standing or tie stalls should be large enough for the horse to lie down in comfortably; a minimum of 4-5 feet wide and 8 feet long. You will also need a structure sturdy enough to tie the horse to and high enough that the horse cannot get its leg over while still reaching food and water.

2. Doors
Doors can be either swinging or sliding with latches that undo easily but are tamper-proof. If you go with swinging doors, they should open up out into the alley or aisle and be kept shut at all other times. Sliding doors should slide smoothly and all doors should be at least four feet wide.

3. Aisles and Alleys
Aisles and alleyways should be at least ten feet wide. This gives you room to fully open the stall door and maneuver the horse out into the aisle without risking damage to you or your horse. It is wide enough to make the transition smooth and easy.

4. Flooring and Ceilings
Concrete is the most common flooring as when it is roughed up it is not slip and it is always easy to clean. Consider installing a drainage system to help keep the stable clean and dry. It is important to clean stalls regularly to avoid the build up of ammonia. You can also use other forms of hard flooring, but avoid wood as it can quickly deteriorate in such wet conditions. Ceilings must be high enough for the horse to raise its head fully. 8 feet is generally fine for ponies and small horses, but taller horses will need more headspace; consider building with 10 to 11 feet of headspace just to be on the safe side. The other alternative is to dig out the floor space which is costly and makes the stable difficult to clean and keep dry.

5. Electrics and Windows
It is important that you provide ample ventilation and both natural and artificial light. Be sure that all electrics are wired with safety in mind and consider having your windows installed so that they swing out rather than lift up and down on a track. Tracks can become filled with dirty and grime and make windows difficult to lift.


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